Freedom Trusting God’s Plan

Reen tells the story of “keys” and their importance in his life as he sought freedom from rejection. Here’s his story. See if you can relate…

“I love keys. Maybe it comes from being a real estate agent and all the doors I’ve opened. Maybe it’s because I am a history buff and love antiques. I actually have an antique key from an old home I carry on my key chain always, but it holds far more significance than any other.

“We were going through a really hard time. I was in career transition and frankly, I was getting a lot of doors slammed in my face. It was a disheartening time for me.

“One day I read this verse in the Bible describing Jesus, “These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.” I knew the verse spoke of Jesus’ authority and it began to have great meaning in my situation.

“I attached the key that is still hanging on my keychain after reading this verse. The verse changed everything. It seemed as though God was giving me a message…any job that wasn’t supposed to open for me, He would close the door. Any job or opportunity that he wanted me to take, I could trust Him that He would open it.

“Each time I saw the key it was a real encouragement to keep going. It gave me renewed faith and fresh optimism. It took the pressure off me because when the disappointments came, they were part of a journey to see where God was leading next rather than a rejection.  I began to want to walk through only the door He wanted for me, no matter how many doors had to shut first.

“I was freed to trust God and stop depending on own my efforts. I could work hard always knowing God was in charge of my future, not me. I found true freedom and as a result, I am experiencing the work He alone chose for me. I couldn’t be happier!”

How about you?  Whether in your relationships, work life, or private life, are you trusting God to open doors that only He can open? Try it and find freedom today!

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