Our Lifelong Dance with Food

Fall signals the return of crisp, cool mornings, harvesting of crops and meals around the table laden with food we often call “comfort” foods. Why do they bring us comfort? They are heavier, “stick to your bone,” foods traditionally served to keep us warm during cold winter months.

I shared lunch with a group of women yesterday and the food we eat became a source of conversation. One woman, who looked extremely young, confessed her age of 90 years. I asked her how she maintained such good health. Was it exercise? She looked appalled, “Absolutely not!” she replied. “It’s all about the food.  I learned long ago to eat healthy food that nourishes me.”

Another woman chimed in, “It’s all about sourcing.  Have you ever noticed that in the past when Americans were farmers and food was freshly grown and prepared, dogs ate everything off the table and lived for years, rarely sick? Now dogs are diagnosed with cancer just like people. I want to know where my food is sourced and how it’s prepared!

“Often chicken, for example, is sent to China for processing before it reaches the grocery shelves. I actually wrote a letter to Publix because I wanted to know where their fish came from. They assured me it came directly from it’s source to the store, not processed somewhere else.” 

Food by definition is good. It nourishes us, strengthens us, and helps us grow. Did you know that food is mentioned 373 times in the Bible? It’s an integral part of Your Refreshed Life.

Be smart. Ask your store where their meats and fish come from and how they are processed. Add healthy fruits and vegetables. As they say, “Shop the outside of the store where fresh foods are offered and avoid the highly processed, highly marketed foods on the center aisles as much as possible.”

As we enter the fall season, enjoy the wonderful blessing of shared meals around the table with family and friends. At the same time, choose the cleanest, healthiest foods possible. When you do, you will enjoy the healthy and refreshed life that is yours!


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